Loan and Sale Agreements

Make it safe! Protect you and your horse...

Our bespoke Sale, Loan and LWVTB Agreements are drafted by hand to meet your requirements. The base documents have been created for horse owners by specialist solicitors & include a fully comprehensive array of common covenants and clauses that will safeguard & cover you against most events or circumstances.

Loan Agreement

It is crucial when loaning your horse to have an agreement outlining the legal ownership of the horse, responsibilities of both parties and how to terminate the arrangement.  The agreement should be tailormade to the individual needs of the horse.

LWVTB Agreement

With a LWVTB usually a deposit is requested at the start of the loan period, the remainder of the sale price being paid after the set loan period. It is important to have an agreement in place outlining responsibilities and costs of both parties and to protect against future risk and dispute.

Horse Sale Contract

Purchase a sale contract outlining the sale price agreed, the description of the horse and the liability and accountability of both buyer and seller.

Home Check

If you are unable to check a potential home yourself purchase Gold Membership of our sister website Local Horse Help and we can organise a home check report for you.

Reference Check

Acquiring references from a Yard Manager, Veterinary Surgeon, Farrier, Horse Dentist or Instructor who can verify the welfare standards and character of a buyer or loaner can be so helpful to horse owners.

CCJ Check

Financial difficulties are invariably at the root of most welfare problems. A County Court Judgement (CCJ) check  can be a useful indicator as to whether the buyer or loaner is realistically able to cover the cost of caring for your horse long term, to a a high standard.