Selling Horses Online
It wasn’t so long ago that selling a horse involved placing an advert in a well-known equestrian weekly and waiting for phone calls from a plethora of possible purchasers. A single image, and a few choice words were all that showed potential buyers what you had to sell. Now with the dawn of social and digital media, your equine advert isn’t complete without a variety of images and video, as well as a degree in social media to know where and when to place your advert. In this article we look at the benefits (and pitfalls) of selling your horse online.

Owner Finds Horse Hannah After a Year of Searching
“I would definitely use Right Horse Right Home again. I looked for over a year before finding Hannah. I saw so many wrong horses. They just weren’t as advertised or turned out to be dealers or scams.” states Claire buyer of the lovely Hannah who had been searching for her new horse for over a year before coming across Right Horse Right Home where she found her horse for life.

Writing a Good Advert
Deciding whether or not to sell (or loan) a horse or pony is never an easy decision. You may have thought of the idea many times and put the decision off for as long as you can. Once the decision has been made it can be even more difficult to compose a successful horse for sale advert. At Right Horse Right Home we will work with you to find the best of homes for your horse and advise you if your advert needs improving.

Why Advertise with Right Horse Right Home
How often, as owners, when we try to sell or loan our horses have we been inundated with contact from unsuitable candidates who have not taken the time to read your advert fully or who are not realistically in a position to buy or loan a horse. These individuals can be very frustrating indeed wasting valuable time resulting in your horse being advertised longer than necessary. The people who are serious and genuine are often difficult to distinguish from those who are not with potential buyers being lost and time and money being wasted.

How Much is My Horse Worth?
Selling a horse is not easy and when deciding how much your horse is worth its value should not be determined by how much cash is needed to buy the next horse. For many owners, selling horses is not something they do often and putting the advert together and coming up with a realistic price tag can be very difficult. There are many factors that can help to determine the value of your horse which are now explained in more detail.

Should I sell my Horse?
Selling a horse is always a painful process regardless of the reasons why. Sometimes it’s because as a rider you out grow your horses abilities and it’s time to move onto one that can take you farther. Sometimes it’s due to safety and you and your horse just don’t mesh. Other times its due to finances and sometimes it’s time constraints and realizing you just can’t give a horse enough time.

Should I Loan My Horse?
Loaning your horse can be a very positive experience. As an owner you remain a part of the horse’s life, you are their ultimate guardian. By loaning your horse it can be enjoyed by a new family and as an owner you can get great satisfaction from knowing the horse is being used, loved and enjoyed in its new home. By loaning you don’t have the ongoing costs of keeping the horse but can be safe in the knowledge you have total control over his future welfare unlike when you sell a horse, there is always the risk he may end up in the wrong home and you lose all trace of him.

Horses for Loan
Right Horse Right Home often has an excellent choice of horses for loan, you can view our current list of available loan horses here. Horses that have been loaned through us have gone on to super homes who have a wealth of experience, are happy to sign and adhere to the terms in the loan contracts and have regular visits from the horse’s owner. You can read about the experience of owners and loaners who have used our system on our testimonials page here.

Buying a New Horse
Horses need daily care and are expensive to keep. The livery costs alone can be a huge monthly outlay, add to that the cost of feed, bedding, shoeing, worming, insurance and equipment and your bank balance will never be the same again! Having a contingency budget is also very important as horses have an amazing ability to always cost more than you think.

Viewing a New Horse For Sale
No matter how experienced you are it is always wise to take someone experienced with you when viewing a new horse, ideally someone who can be objective, is aware of your riding ability, your search criteria and your budget.

Why have your new horse vetted?
A pre purchase veterinary examination will vastly reduce the likelihood of buying a horse with underlying health problems and will help enable you to make an informed decision as to whether the horse will meet your needs. Also some insurance companies insist on one being carried out before they will offer you cover. A pre purchase exam is not a pass-fail test or a guarantee of long-term health and soundness, it’s a snapshot of a moment in time.

Why is the Irish Sports Horse so popular?
The Irish Sports Horse has become a very popular breed indeed, taking its superb temperament of honesty and docility from the Irish Draught coupled with its athleticism, speed and endurance from the Thoroughbred. Irish Sport Horses are divided into three types; light weight, middle weight and heavy weight. The type wanted often depends not only on the weight of the rider but also the activity to be pursued, be it hunting, showjumping or dressage.

Cobs for Sale
Although not a specific ‘breed’ Cob horses are one of the most popular types of horses in the UK for a variety of different reasons. These characters of the horse world come in all guises – coloured cobs, gypsy cobs, showing cobs, not to mention your good old bombproof happy hacker. Cobs make wonderful hunting horses as well as wonderful friends, in this article we look at which type of cob suits each rider as well as where to find them.

Connemara Ponies for Sale
Right Horse Right Home often has some super Connemara Ponies for Sale. Connemara Ponies are elegant, hardy and intelligent with great agility and superb jumping ability. They are probably the best competition ponies in the world.
Whether you’re looking for a pony for show-jumping or eventing; dressage riding or to utilise as a driving pony, the Connemara cannot be bettered, it is a top class performance pony.

HWSD in Connemara Ponies
Hoof Wall Separation Disease (HWSD) is a debilitating condition which is found primarily in Connemara ponies and their part-bred progeny. Despite there being a simple genetic test to see which ponies are affected with the condition, ponies are still being produced and indeed sold that have the condition which affects all 4 feet and causes the hoof wall to crumble and collapse. There is no treatment and affected ponies are in effect valueless. The condition is also very painful for the animals.

Friesian Horses for Sale
The Friesian Horse originates from a province in Holland called Friesland. They are one of the most ancient horse breeds dating back to 500bc. They are a magnificent breed, tall in stature, powerful, full of presence and striking to look at.

5 Ways to Keep Your Horse Obsessed Partner Happy
If you have an equine lover in your life, you know how important horses are to them. They’ll likely spend several hours a week pampering their beloved equine partners. Though you might not understand your partner’s horse obsession, to them, their horses are everything.
Taking interest in your partner’s love for horses will mean a lot to them. Just because you might not be into riding yourself doesn’t mean you can’t connect with them over horses. Here are five ways to keep your horse obsessed partner happy.

Root Out Dishonesty in Horse Adverts
When horses are described and advertised inaccurately and dishonestly there can be grave consequences for any potential buyer. The ends to which some sellers will go to simply get rid of a horse for the best price possible with absolutely no regard for the horse or anyone’s safety is sadly far too prevalent in the UK and Ireland. At Right Horse Right Home all adverts are meticulously screened prior to publication and any reports of any horse not as described when one of our members goes to view is not only welcomed but always investigated thoroughly and if it is justified, the advert is removed and the membership of the seller is cancelled permanently with immediate effect.

How to avoid being Mis Sold a horse
A vast number of horses are mis sold every day, not just to inexperienced novice, 1st time buyers but also to very knowledgeable, experienced horse owners who think they know how to avoid being duped by a fraudulent seller.
When talking about being “mis-sold” a horse, we are not talking about people who over estimate their ability, who buy horses with known health, behaviour or training issues and think they can overcome them. For the purposes of this article we are talking about people who knowingly and purposefully misrepresent and falsely advertise the horse they are selling to make a quick sale to anyone, regardless of suitability, who will buy the horse purely for turning a quick profit.

Harry Hall One Club Partnership
We are excited to announce that we have recently partnered up with Harry Hall to offer our Gold and Premier Members with FREE Harry Hall One Club Bronze Membership or 25% Off their Gold Single Membership.
Harry Hall One Club Membership helps make riding or owning a horse, a little easier on your pocket! Members enjoy competitive insurance products and amazing product savings along with additional discounts on magazines and events.

Ex Racehorses for Sale
Rehoming, buying or loaning an ex racehorse can be a rewarding way to find a versatile, athletic and intelligent horse. Many ex-racehorses have proven they can turn their hoof to anything after life on the track be it dressage, eventing, hacking, endurance riding, hunting or showjumping. In this article we explore the best way to go about sourcing and managing an off the track racehorse or retired racehorse.

Happy Hackers for Sale
Horses that are happy hackers are one of the most sought after ‘types’ of horses in the UK for a variety of different reasons. There is no set ‘type’ of horse that fits the ‘happy hacker’ label , they can be Cobs, Gypsy Cobs, ponies and even Thoroughbreds but they must posses one vital behavioural characteristic; they must be good to hack on roads or bridleways, whether that is alone or in company, with other horses or another person on foot or bicycle.

Mis - Sold a Problem Horse
If you have been mis sold a “problem” horse from either a private or commercial seller the options available to you are as follows;
a) Try and send the horse back to the person you bought it from and get either a refund or an exchange (your rights will depend on the circumstances of the sale and whether you bought it privately or via a commercial trader / dealer and how quickly you act after having bought the horse).
b) Keep the horse and try and work through the issues it has
c) Sell the horse responsibly and try and find someone better suited to its needs

Lead Rein Ponies for Sale with Impeccable Manners
Finding safe lead rein ponies for sale which are a mother’s dream; in that they have manners to die for, will not spook at any type of traffic or plastic bag in the hedge and that will stand patiently whilst being groomed and pampered for hours, may feel like an impossible task.

Eventers for Sale and Loan
If you are searching for a horse to event you must first know what level you are currently riding/competing at and then decide how far you want to go. You can either find an eventer for sale that is experienced and use their record as an indication of what they are capable of, or you can buy a younger horse to train up through the levels. Following this, you must then decide on a breed. Eventing is a demanding, athletic sport which requires horses to be trainable for the dressage element with a good brain, careful for the showjumping phase and bold and brave for the cross country.

Hunters for Sale
Finding a horse that is ‘Good To Hunt’ can be difficult due to the demanding nature of the role and the variety of horses that love and are good to hunt. There is no set ‘type’ of horse that fits the ‘good to hunt’ label , they can be Cobs, Irish Sport Horses, and even Thoroughbreds but they must possess one vital behavioural characteristic; they must be safe and sensible when riding out in a large group and at speed.

Quirky Horse Finds Fantastic New Home
At Right Horse Right Home we are often asked to help people with the wording for their horse adverts; pictures, videos and will sometimes also be asked for guidance on price. We see horses from tens of thousands of pounds down to £1 and we help every owner as much as we can. However, every now and then there are those ‘special’ horses that we feel a little more for. It might be that the owner is in a desperate situation and is selling a much loved friend due to a sad change in personal circumstance or a horse that is quirky and in the open market could easily end up in the wrong hands.

Irish Draught Horses for Sale
The Irish Draught is renowned for being strong and sound with an intelligent and gentle nature, loved for its docile nature and common sense attitude. The purebred Irish Draught is popular in eventing, showing and as a hunter, as well as police horses due to their temperament and strength.

Schoolmasters for Sale or Loan
A schoolmaster horse is one that has been well trained and has the ability and experience to help a rider learn, perfect their riding skills and help them gain in confidence. There are certain attributes that all good schoolmasters should have but they can also be specialists in one field rather than allrounders.

Horses for Full Loan to Move Yards
Right Horse Right Home often has an excellent choice of horses for permanent loan that are available to move yards, these can be allrounders, happy hackers, bombproof cobs or competition horses for full permanent loan available to move yards. Sometimes there will be a restriction on the distance of how far the horse can move yards to its new location and this is clearly explained on the advert to help loaners make an informed decision on whether they would be eligible to apply and take their interest further.

The Value of Membership with Right Horse Right Home
Our service, unlike any other, far reduces the likelihood of buying the wrong horse and sending your horse off to an unsuitable home, huge costs are thus avoided both monetarily and emotionally. The very fact that over 97% of our members surveyed would recommend our service and would use us again is testament to this fact and as a result, after 2.5yrs, we have decided to marginally increase the cost of membership to better reflect the increased value and service Right Horse Right Home provides.

Finding Horses for Share
When we refer to a ‘horses for share’ we mean the owner of a horse seeks another rider to share the responsibility of riding and often help with the chores/ tasks associated with looking after the horse, such as mucking out, rug changes etc. Owning horses is a huge commitment both financially and in terms of the time required to both exercise and care for the horse. Many owners find managing this commitment a great deal easier if they can find a like-minded sharer for their horse to lighten the load.

Companion Horses and Ponies Seeking New Homes
Horses and ponies need to find new homes for a variety of reasons. It could be that their owner’s circumstances have changed, perhaps they have lost their job and can no longer afford livery or their work commitments have changed and thus no longer have the time for their horse. Other reasons can be that the horse is no longer suitable for the job they want the horse to do or the horse can no longer be ridden.

Dream First Pony for Hetty
“It is Hetty’s first pony and she totally adores her!! She does everything with her herself and has learnt so much from having her. She’s been around horses from a young age so to finally have her own made her year!! Her whole Christmas and birthday lists comprise of things for Annie!”
Read more about Hetty and her wonderful pony Annie. She has now loaned her through Right Horse Right Home for 6 months.