How do I list my horse ?
You first need to register on the website and then follow the steps to List a Horse. You can add images, video, details about their behaviour, upload veterinary documents, breeding information and competition achievements.
Where do I see applications for my horse?
When you receive an application for your horse you will be notified by email and text message. You then need to login to your account and visit your My Horses area. Adjacent to your horse advert you will see the words “Access Applications” in green and a number showing how many applications you have received for your horse. Click on “Access Applications” and the system will take you to where the applications are stored.
Once you click “Access Applications” the website will take you to the following screen where you will see the applications and the contact details of the applicants. If you click on the green eye symbol you will be able to view the application in full. If you click on the red X by any of the applications they will automatically be rejected and a polite email is sent to the applicant informing them that they have been unsuccessful. There is the option to leave feedback on why you have declined the application.
What does it cost to advertise my horse ?
To list your horse on the website you need to be either a Gold Member (£24.99 per month) or Premier Member (£28.99 per month). You can see the full breakdown of Membership Benefits here Simply register on the website here and then follow the steps to list a horse here. The system will invite you to join as either a Gold Member or Premier Member at the end of the listing process. You can cancel your membership at any time from your My Membership area of your account.
How do I get my horse FEATURED on the website and promoted through Facebook?
If you wish to have your horse FEATURED on our Home Page, promoted on our Facebook Page and included in our E – Newsletter, sent to 1000s of genuine buyers across the UK when you list your horse you need to join as a Premier Member. The system will invite you choose your membership level at the end of the listing process. You can see a full breakdown of the benefits of Premier Membership here.
What does it cost to list more than 1 horse?
There is no additional cost if you wish to list more than 1 horse for sale or loan. You simply need to be a Premier Member of Right Horse Right Home which costs £28.99pm Inc VAT and during the term of either membership you can list as many horses as you wish at no additional cost with unlimited images and video. Do view a full breakdown of the Membership benefits here. Membership can be cancelled anytime via your My Membership area of the website.
How do I add video to my horse advert?
You may have noticed that all video of the horses on the website are branded and many include more than 1 piece of footage. All videos are also uploaded to our YouTube channel which is very popular.
You can send your videos to via Whatsapp to 07799268953 if they are on your phone, by email to or if the files are not too large and will not send by email you can send them to us via which is free and easy to use and can cope with any sized file.
We cannot stress enough how important video is, it will vastly improve the impact of your advert, more buyers will be attracted to your advert and you are much more likely to find the right buyer sooner. There is no additional charge regardless of how many videos you add and we can merge clips together, include images and music in your video.
I want to upload a document to my listing how do I do this?
If you want to upload breeding information, a competition record or perhaps copy of a recent vetting, simply email the document to us and we will attach it to your listing for you.
How do I contact the owner of a horse ?
To contact an owner about a horse you must first register with the website and follow the steps to apply for the horse via the orange “apply” button on their advert. The system will ask you questions about the type of horse you are looking for and the type of home you can provide. We appreciate this may take a few minutes but the information you provide will be invaluable in determining whether the home you can offer is potentially suitable for the horse and indeed whether the horse meets your requirements. The process also demonstrates that you as a “buyer” or “loaner” are serious about your intentions and are not simply “dreaming” about having a new horse. Once your application is complete the system will invite you to join as a member, you can see a full breakdown of membership benefits here. As soon as you submit your application it will be sent to the owner and they will then get back to you either by phone or email to discuss the horse further.
When submitting your application you can also have your application duplicated as a Wanted Advert and be notified when new horses are listed that match your search criteria. Members can also apply for other horses very easily as all their initial application information is saved by the system meaning there is no need to retype it.
How do I edit my advert?
If you would like to edit your published advert for whatever reason, you can do this simply. Just login to your account and visit your My Horses area.
Once there, you will see your horse details. On the far right hand side is small pen icon. Clicking on this allows you full access to your horse advert where you can make any amendments necessary.
Once you make any changes to your advert it is sent back to admin to approve. Do not worry if you do not see your advert live on the website, we will re-publish them as soon as possible.
How do I sign up to Right Horse Right Home ?
To sign up to Right Horse Right Home simply register here. You can then go on to List a Horse, Apply for a Horse or place a FREE Wanted Advert.
Once I have joined how many horses can I apply for?
As a Silver Member of the website you can apply for as many horses as you wish. If you also wish to have a horse listed on the website for sale or loan you would also need to become a Premier Member. You can see a full breakdown of membership benefits here.
How do I place a Wanted Advert?
You can place a wanted advert for FREE on the website by completing the form here. Alternatively when you apply for a horse you can also have your application duplicated and published as a Wanted Advert by ticking the box at the end of the application form. Once this is complete it will become published on the website and you will be notified by email when horses matching your search criteria are listed on the website.
Why do I need to answer questions about behaviour?
Buyers and loaners are invariably looking not only for a horse that is a certain breed, height, age and cost but are also keen to find a horse that has the behaviour and capabilities to perform the activities important to them. For some individuals having a horse that is good to hack alone, and can live out all year is actually more important to them than age or breed so enabling people to more easily find your horse with these search parameters can mean finding the Right Home for your horse will be much easier and quicker. When answering the tick box questions about behaviour and suitability by the term “good” we do not mean “perfect” merely that the horse performs “reasonably” and is not known to be dangerous.
Is it FREE to place a Wanted Advert?
Yes, it is entirely free to place a wanted advert on the website. First you need to register and then follow the steps to add a Wanted Advert.
Can you help with producing a Sale Agreement ?
Right Horse Right Home Sale Agreements cost £24.99. You can find further information about what is included in the agreements and the benefits in having a Sale Agreement here.
Can you help with a LWVTB Agreement?
Right Horse Right Home LWVTB Agreements cost £30.00. You can find further information about what is included in the agreements and the benefits in having a LWVTB Agreement here.
Can you help me with a Loan Agreement ?
We can produce a tailored Loan Agreement for any owner at a cost of £24.99. You can find more information about our Loan Agreements and the benefits in us producing a tailor made one for your horse here.
How do I get my Wanted Advert featured and promoted?
To get your Wanted Advert featured at the top of the Wanted Advert list and promoted in our Newsletter and/or through social media you need to become a Silver Member. You can upgrade by visiting your My Membership area of your account and clicking on “upgrade”.
Our Status
We act as an online portal to introduce potential buyers and loaners to horse owners wishing to find new homes for their horses. We ask that all initial interest in the horses is made by completing the online application form before contact details are exchanged. It is up to both parties to ensure they are suitable for the horse and Right Horse Right Home shall have no liability in that respect. Contracts of Sale and Loan Agreements are made available to purchase. You can read our full terms and conditions here.
What happens if the owner rejects my application?
If an owner rejects your application you will be notified by email. Much as this may be disappointing it is important to remain focused on finding the Right Horse and if an owner deems you to be unsuitable for their horse that is not to say you would be unsuitable for another horse. Finding out early whether you are a potentially suitable or not can not only save considerable expense and time driving up and down the country visiting the horse but can also save you emotional upset as you begin to hope the horse is the Right Horse. Owners can also provide feedback on why your application was unsuccessful which we collect on your behalf. Applicants often find feedback help as they are then more easily able to appreciate the decision and perhaps adapt their search accordingly.
Will I be sent Email Alerts ?
If you place a Wanted Advert with Right Horse Right Home you will be sent an email alerting you when horses matching your criteria are listed on the website. If you no longer wish to receive these emails simply login to your account and delete your Wanted Advert from your My Horses area of your account.
How will you get applications for my horse?
If you choose to be a Premier Member when listing your horse it will be promoted extensively, both via our Facebook page and via our E Newsletter sent to 1000s of buyers throughout the UK and Ireland. Promotions are very effective at increasing the speed and number of applications owners can consider. Those listing their horses as Gold Members will have their adverts sent to those registered with us who are looking for horses like theirs. If you are concerned you are not receiving applications please don’t hesitate to contact us and we can also advise on potential improvements that could be made to your listing to help attract the right audience.
Can I edit my Wanted Advert?
At the moment we do not have the functionality for users to edit their published Wanted Adverts. You can however easily delete your Wanted Advert from your My Horses area in your account and submit a new one. All of your past information will be saved so it is then very quick and easy to edit.
What if I don’t have a Paypal Account?
If you don’t have a Paypal account do not worry as you can also pay your membership by credit card via the website. If you have any problems making your membership payment do call us on 01844 342672 and we can help you.
How do I remove my Wanted Advert?
To remove your Wanted Advert simply login to your account, visit the My Horses area, choose the Wanted Advert tab and click on the X to delete your advert.
How do I cancel my subscription?
To cancel your subscription to Right Horse Right Home simply login to your account and go to your My Membership page, here you will find the option to cancel your membership. If you have any published horse listings these will be be archived once your membership is cancelled.
How do I remove my horse listing?
To remove your horse listing simply login to your account, got to your My Horses area, click on the Horses tab and click on the X to delete your horse listing. Removing your horse listing however does not automatically stop your membership subscription, this needs to be done in your My Membership area of your account.
How do I cancel my subscription?
To cancel your subscription to Right Horse Right Home simply login to your account and go to your My Membership page, here you will find the option to cancel your membership. If you have any published horse listings these will be be archived once your membership is cancelled.