The Pre Purchase Horse Vetting

Why have your new horse vetted?
A pre purchase veterinary examination will vastly reduce the likelihood of buying a horse with underlying health problems and will help enable you to make an informed decision as to whether the horse will meet your needs. Also some insurance companies insist on one being carried out before they will offer you cover, particularly if the horse is being sold above a certain price.
A pre purchase exam is not a pass-fail test or a guarantee of long-term health and soundness, it’s a snapshot of a moment in time. When having your potential new horse examined by a vet it is advisable ask them to take a blood sample to test for substances which may mask pain or temperament issues when initially trying the horse. If you then later suspect the horse may have been drugged you can request that these bloods be tested for certain substances. Bloods are usually kept for a period of 6 months.
Whilst having a horse vetted prior to purchase does not come cheap, it can be a false economy not to have a thorough examination carried out. It is also possible to invite your vet to take xrays of the horse which again can provide a fuller picture of any potential issues that may arise.
It is important to try to use your own veterinary surgeon as they will appreciate and advise on your requirements, if the horse is some distance away and this is not possible, be sure to instruct an independent veterinary practice and not one connected with the vendor. If the horse passes the examination, then a certificate will be completed by the veterinary surgeon, which may be used for insuring the horse or pony when the sale is completed.
If the horse passes the examination and you wish to proceed with the sale make sure you obtain a receipt from the vendor or a contract of sale. Right Horse Right Home can assist with the production of a sale contract if required, see here for more details. The owner should hand over the horse’s passport and any relevant papers, as well as any tack and equipment that is included in the sale.
Be sure to check that the details on the horse passport and supporting documentation match that of the horse for sale and that the owner has indeed signed the paperwork.
As soon as you hand over money the horse is legally yours so make sure you have insurance in place. Once your horse is home, it is important to allow time to get to know each other and have a qualified instructor who can support you in this journey.
If you suspect you may have been missold a horse your rights as a buyer will differ depending on whether the seller was a private seller or a trader. You can read more about the miss selling of horses here.