Horses for Full Loan to Move Yards

Horses for Loan Available to Move Yards
Right Horse Right Home often has an excellent choice of horses for full loan that are available to move yards, these can be allrounders, happy hackers, bombproof cobs or competition horses for full permanent loan available to move yards. Sometimes there will be a restriction on the distance the horse can move yards to its new location and this is clearly explained on the advert to help loaners make an informed decision on whether they would be eligible to apply and take their interest further.
The application process we facilitate enables genuine, serious loaners to describe their equine experience, exactly what they are looking for in a horse, the type of home they can offer and the types of activities they wish to pursue. This information is very useful to owners when making decisions on who to invite to try the horse and take the process further.
Similarly, owners, when they list their horses for loan with us, have to be very clear on what activities and behaviour the horse is good at, they cannot avoid answering these questions, thus making the job of the person seeking the right horse a great deal easier. To read more about how the process works do read our “How it Works” page here.
Quality Reg Irish Draught Gelding for LWVTB

£6,800 Caspa - Irish Draught
16.1hh rising 8 quality RID Cappa Aspen (Cappa Emperor/ Cappa Cassanova) Dapple grey. For LWVTB and within 1.5 hours Epping Essex. Possible pure loan only…
More DetailsCompanion/Happy Hacker

£2,500 Max
Lovely pony, easy to deal with in all ways. No vices. Competing with daughter up until last summer to high level dressage. Out of work/given…
More DetailsTalented Athletic Allrounder For Full Loan

Orla - Irish Sport Horse
15.1 7yo ISH mare ideally suited to showjumping/eventing loan home with an experienced, knowledgeable and kind rider (ideally 11stone max). She is available to move…
More DetailsSuper TB x New Forest for Sale or LWVTB

£3,800 Dash - Thoroughbred x
Hello, I am advertising my boy for either lwvtb or sale to vetted home ,(due to previous experience of loosing touch with my last boy…
More DetailsCompanion Mare for loan

Jaden - Andalusian
Jaden is a 15.1 ex broodmare, she is super sweet and a very kind easy lady who is great in a herd, or as a…
More DetailsFor Loan – Lovely pony club all rounder

Spider - Arab x
Spider is a 15 year old Arab cross, 13’3′. He’d suit a confident young rider looking to have fun at pony club. Offering for loan…
More DetailsWhy Should I Loan a Horse ?
Buying and owning a horse can be a very expensive and long term commitment, there is shoeing, feed bills, vet’s bills and a host of unexpected expenses BEFORE the initial outlay of purchasing a horse outright. No wonder many people decide they would prefer to either take a horse on full permanent loan or part loan to avoid the initial purchase costs and in the case of Part Loan, share the costs and responsibility for the horse. Whilst loaning can be a wonderful experience, many horse owners and loaners have come unstuck when the ‘loan’ waters are muddied.
As a prospective owner, loaning a horse can be a great way to have a horse without the cost of purchase and the responsibility of ownership. Getting a horse on loan means you can potentially always send the horse back if things don’t work out, and if circumstances change you are able to return to the owner to take responsibility back. Many people also choose to take a horse on loan before making the final decision to buy a horse to ensure they feel ready and confident to be an owner.
Why Shouldn’t I Loan?
Whilst loaning may seem like a cheap option in comparison to buying a horse it some respects it isn’t. Any horse needs financial input, upkeep and time. Just because you have got a loan horse doesn’t mean it won’t cost the same or need the same level of care, you just don’t have the initial outlay in buying the horse. You as the loaner also need to appreciate you do not own the horse and therefore the owner will always have the ultimate say in how the horse should be managed, cared for, what activities they can undertake and so forth. Owners always have the power to ask for the horse to be moved back to their yard and to terminate the loan agreement, this can be very hard for a loaner who has become emotionally attached to the horse.
Types Of Loan
There are different types of loan offered out there and it is always a good idea to have a LOAN AGREEMENT drawn up before any loans take place.
Full Loan
Horses on Full permanent loan are just that, all responsibility and cost will lie with the new loaner. The owner of the horse will have very little interaction with the day to day care of the horse and the loaner will be entrusted to care for the horse and cover all costs. This can work really well for the new carer, but can often also be hard for the owner of the horse as they will have less control and responsibility for the horse.
Part Loan or Horse Share
Part loan agreements normally offer a happy medium. Often the horse will still be kept at the owner’s yard, and they will continue to take responsibility for some of the care. Part loan or horse share can often mean shared riding and shared costs but in general the main decisions are made by the owner and NOT the person taking out the loan. Sharing a horse can be a good first step before taking a horse on full loan or purchasing your first horse.
Loan With a View to Buy (LWVTB)
These are horses which are available essentially on a short trial basis and can usually to moved to the new home for a period of weeks or months before full payment of the horse is made to the seller. It is very important, not only to agree the price before the horse is moved but also to ensure a robust agreement is in place which outlines all the responsibilities, liabilities and costs of both parties. LWVTB arrangements can be very popular and a very effective way of ensuring the horse is well matched to their new home and rider. It also shows the buyer that the owner has nothing to hide about their horse as they are prepared for them to go on trial and be returned if unsuitable.
What to Look Out For
So you have decided to loan a horse – what then? Where do you find a horse for loan and what should you look out for?
If you are looking for a loan horse it is important to understand WHY the horse is being loaned. Is it simply that he or she is old, or can’t compete at the level desired or is someone looking to get an easy way to produce a horse or sending an unsaleable horse away? Again, always vet the owners as much as they vet you, and if they don’t care about the home the horse is going to, generally they won’t care about the horse, so be warned. If an owner isn’t keen to answer any questions about the horse this can also be a red flag as to why the horse is being put on loan. Expect nothing but transparency from all sides.